Wednesday 26 January 2011

Who would have thought...

Don't be scared by the title, it's not that serious but it's interesting! It's a long story on how I noticed this, but the end result is the same and this includes me looking around. So I driving looking for something, then I noticed, Oman streets/roads are VERY clean... Actually Oman in general is!

So I was driving, I hardly noticed garbage, even in certain crowded areas where you would think you would expect garbage! Okay there are SOME exceptions, that's about it and it found it really cool! I'm fussed about hygiene and things looking clean.

So next time you're out and about look around... It's very cool that it's like that....


  1. Well Oman is said to be amongst the cleanest countries in the world. The amount of Indian labor going onto this shouldn't be left unnoticed though.

  2. But it's kewl when you notice it =D
