Friday 6 September 2013

The Black Bucket - Chapter 1 (part 1)

I wasn't sure where this was, but that’s me, building a castle in the sand, defending myself against the sea’s waves but I must have been four or five years old here. Why can’t I see their smiles? Why can I hear laughter but not see their expressions. Suddenly I was startled by a loud crashing sound, I got up and noticed most the staff were heading towards the window left side window. Naturally, I followed suit, I can hear murmurs between them, also some of my colleagues were pressing their hands against their gaping mouths, attempting to subconsciously conceal their shock. ‘What’s going on here? what’s all the fuss about?’ grumbled Mark while pushing his way through the others. He really gets on my nerves, he’s your typical testosterone pumped office cunt.
  “There’s been a horrible accident!” Jennifer answered, with a shrill sound. That had to be the most vague answer I’ve heard, it sounded like it was taken out of a 70’s movie, you know the ones with a ridiculous reaction to show “emphasis”. But yes, it was a ‘horrible accident’, from the blood splattered on the windshield, the way it’s splashed upwards I can only assume he crashed into something which happens to be that dog. My heart ached for the dog, I detest people who do not pay attention for animals crossing, because it’s something that happens often, roadkills, by now one would think they would get it through their heads that animals will cross the road. But the man managed swerve off into a street light, I don’t think the impact was too kind on him, for one he wasn’t moving and now two people were approaching the car. You can deduce from their reactions that he most likely passed away, or - “Oh my! There’s a child in the backseat!” Trust Jennifer to be the most observant one in the room.
  “What a mess…” Jack said under his breath.
  The analytic voice of Vipin startled me. “There’s something wrong, there hasn’t been any dogs in this city for over three years now, it’s either really bad luck or something brought that dog here.” How did I not noticed that? Oh yes, my memory is still fizzled from the “incident”, there was a virus outbreak around four years ago, dogs, they carried a man made virus which when bitten turned people into raging menaces which almost always led to their self obliteration. Yes, almost, some people survived, like me, and like Mark but we didn't survive with only a bite mark scar. Mark, during his enraged state tore all the hair from left side of his head, just above the ears and you can see the scar it left, it looked like a burn, rather ugly but he was proud of it. As for me, it took a toll on my brain I lost some of my memories, some of my old personality too from what the doctor said but there’s something else they didn’t notice.
  “Oh the poor child, what’s going to happen to that poor child? Does the child have a mother?” I sighed, as another question was raised by the ever so observant Jennifer.
  “It’s going to be hard for that child, his future is completely altered now.” Vipin’s insight, and his beliefs always captivated me, I think he’s the only “sane” person in this room.
  “Hah! Nonsense! I turned out fine without parents!” Every time Mark made a statement like that he would adjust his trousers - and so he did without fail - Some people turned around, and give him a quizzical look but he paid them no heed.

The scene was cleared up, the news are already broadcasting about this strange appearance of a dog, no word on the people involved in the accident because why should they matter? And so for the whole day it was the talk of the office, people raising different speculations on what could be the cause of that dog appearing. I can see Mark from the corner of my eyes, he had an audience of three other male colleagues, all listening to his take on why the dog appeared there, this man really gets on my nerves I don’t know why but he’s reminding me of something I just can’t remember. The day ended, without much more work being done because of the incident. I decided to head to the animal’s shelter, I don’t know why I just got the urge to go there, maybe that child triggered something in me, I have a feeling I want to save that child but because I cannot do anything about it I need to find a compensation to give me a certain satisfaction.

There’s me again, someone is holding my hands, I remember this part of the woods, we were headed to a gazebo. Why am I here? I can see blurred words, either the creation of two lovers or vandals embedded into the wood. She pulled my face to hers, I don’t see her lips, nor her expression. When did this happen? And did it really happen?

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