Monday 3 January 2011

[queue scary music] lame...

Tomorrow is my maths final exam, tomorrow is also my education decider and my last chance. I've been a good student to say the least, my gpa is average(or rather should be) only for tiny little problem... Maths. Yep, nightmare, through out the years I've been passing with general knowledge(studying IT) and my English level is good so it's a matter of understanding. Our college is lame, the system is lame and most students are there are even more lame. I'm talking about HCT it's got a system of a primary school and rules of a freaking prison cell... How does that work? One doesn't know... Anyway, the IT subjects I've been passing but the maths subject(which are NOT needed in my future work field)I've been failing and repeating and thus damaging my GPA beyond imagination! So now I'm in the last semester of my Diploma year having my fate decided by Maths! Now imagine that... It's really depressing. The maths subject is a common subject so everyone needs to take it and fail atleast once before proceeding, I have students in my class who were with me last semester and are repeating it with me again. That's not the only problem I think I had 5-6 maths courses during my time in college! That many times! Unbelievable... I admit I did fail in java twice but the first time I got a D and lost marks because of attendance. The second time I got an F! Which clearly tells you something about the teacher... Eventually I passed with an -A with a good teacher who knew how to write exams and quizes.

So everyone put your hands together and pray for and my darling to make it through this!


  1. Good Luck and all the best inshallah..!!

    I remember maths and the horror when I was told that I had to take it when my major was irrelevant sparked a whole war with my uni until they agreed to exempt me from taking it..!!

  2. woooo?! THAT'S SO LUCKY! I wish I could've done that! ;S

  3. last time i checked u did well :D inshallah ul pass :D gd luck !
